Thursday, July 2, 2009

squiddy's tentacle!

When harvesting their gillweed students should pay close attention to they way bubbles of oxygen cling to its roots. This month we will be working on some new techniques for harnessing these bubbles.

Knitters and crocheters should show off some bobbles or nupps, and spinners try your hand at a slub yarn.

i posted this over at the HPKCHC in Herbology with this post:
Good evening. Professor. anguinea from Slytherin here, hoping my classwork submission will be acceptable.

After spending a full day slogging in the shallows of the lake, I found plenty of leeches (mostly on my ankles), but could not locate any gillyweed whatsoever. However, with the assistance of “a friend” who was able to move out a bit deeper into the water, I was able to locate and study the plant properly.

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