Ok - the first 2 real knitting projects I did were present/surprises for a friend. And while the knitting part of them has been done since last July, the sewing/finishing part has not. So I won't show those until my friend has received them!
However, I have one long-term project in the works and several short-term ones.
First up is my first-ever finished project - a hat from the book "Charmed Knits". I started this the week I went to NYC with the Chorus as I needed a winter hat! I worked on it all that weekend while waiting for things (waiting for the plane, waiting for rehearsal, waiting for the bus, etc.) and finished it up about 10 days after I started it.

Next is a project for Cloudpic. She had asked for a "Dobby Sockmark" - which has introduced me to the "joys" of double-pointed needles. For reference, the sock foot is almost exactly as long as an Equal packet.

Finally - my long-term project is a Tree of Life afghan from Lion-Brand yarn. I started this last August as my Olympic knitting challenge. That was back when I was young and naive, believing that it would be possible to knit something that large and complex in 2 weeks. But it is gorgeous, and I love working on it! Right now, it is a little over halfway done. The afghan itself is too bulky to bring here to Panera's for photo ops. However, the trim (a leaf-trim design) is knitted separately and then sewn onto the finished afghan. I have been working on that as well. I have over 30 leaves done (about a third of the way). Here is a sampling of the string (the leaves are interconnected, so it will be one long knitted trim to attach):

There - that catches me up! As you can see, I am a huge fan of complex things - if it is too easy, I get bored. Go figure!
Oh, and to see a more close-up view of each pic, just click on it!