Friday, December 10, 2010

Deptartments in the MOM

Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures = Items for magical creatures. Dog sweaters, cat toys and pet related projects

Timeturner Department = WIPS

Department of Magical Games and Sports = Toys, games, Quidditch gear, and other items that are related to the pursuit of fun!

Committee on Underage Magic = Kid-sized projects

The Auror Department of the MLES = Difficult, challenging projects

Department of Transfiguration = Spinning, yarn work

Madame Malkin’s = Tell us about and post pictures of the garments that you’re working on.

Department of International Magical Cooperation = This is the place for projects that use Estonian lace, Fair Isle, Nordic stranded knitting or any other technique that come from a specific country or region.

Committee for Domestic Enchantments = Household things. A swiffer cover, a dishcloth, a cozy for anything.

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts = Non-HP fandoms

Department of Magical Education = Hogwarts or school stuff

from the site:

Rotations in the various departments last for varying periods of time, depending on the employee. Some employees spend very short amounts of time in each department, some spend long amounts of time, some spend different amounts in different departments. However long it takes you to determine whether a department is right for you, well…that’s how long it takes. You may join a department at any time, and you may stay there until you are ready to move on. You may even work more than one rotation at a time!

That being said, there are Ministry Reviews every two months (in early February, April, June, August, October & December), in which the Minister’s Office highlights the most extraordinary achievements in the various departments. If you have completed a rotation in the relevant period, your work will be up for review and potential bonus rewards. This is not to say that you must complete your project within two months! If you start a project in March and don’t finish it until September, it will still be eligible for the October review! Take your time and do the work that you truly want to do. We’ll be impressed if you finish quickly, but honestly? It’s government work. It takes however long it takes.

i love that line!

recent works

double strap baby booties for little augustus born this summer.

a tiramisu leithifold...uh, blanket for mlwl's lil' boy to be!

and a pair of huffleshoes for kimmyb's wee 'puff-to-be!

fact: the huffleshoes earned me 16 points for potions class and
the leithifold blanket earned me 10 for detention.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Ravelry Group!

We have migrated over to the new Ministry of Magic group on Ravelry. The group was founded by some former members of the Harry Potter Knit and Crochet House Cup group a couple of weeks ago.

The founders of this new group are a set of awesome and dedicated craftspersons and personally, I wish them a lot of success and satisfaction with the new launch. I just adore that they are still focused on creating an atmosphere of fun and fairness for all the participants.

Less wanking and more cranking. That's what its all about, folks.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

books snakey is currently enjoying

All are muy fabuloso so far!
I sent off some handmade gifts today, which leads to the question:

Is there any greater joy than inflicting your obsession upon hapless others?

Answer: No, there is not!