HPKCHC classes have been posted today and they all look so interesting, i am not sure what to do. they have a bumper crop of students this go round and i was sorely tempted to get more involved in leadership there. *smacks head*
so for classes, we have
herbology: research project"
Your yarn must be 50% or more from plant origin, ie. bamboo, cotton, hemp, corn. Post must contain brand and fiber content, picture of finished object, and a description of what it was like to work with and how it affects the project. Points awarded based on complexity of project, wit, originality, and evilness. (Trying to bring the evilness into Herbology. Not as easy as it seems, folks, short of having everyone knit with Devil’s Snare…)"
charms: augamenti "a)
create something water-related, be it colours, waves etc.
-or -b) create something a little more literal like a goblet, something that imitates the jets of water or a fire hose (firemen optional but welcome and yes the professor knows where some minds will take this one and that is also fine :D)"
transfiguration: blocking"Blocking is a form of alchemical Transfiguration, that takes your knitting and crocheted items from mundane to ethereal. Your assignment this month is to
knit or crochet an item, and then transfigure it, through blocking, into a work of art."
potions: common cold prevention
"Pepperup Potion - Cures the common cold. You can identify someone who has recently taken this potion by the distinctive steam coming out of their ears for several hours after drinking it. But demand has been heavier than usual this year, and supplies of Pepperup Potion are short. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Knit, crochet, or sew something to keep somebody warm."defense against the dark arts: “What I Fought On My Summer Holidays” -
"It’s September! The month for the traditional back-to-school essay about what you did on your summer holidays. Explain and show an example of which spell you practiced, creepy creature you fought, or scary Death Eater plot you unraveled over the summer holidays. Extra points for house colors, making the prof laugh, or being especially awesome."
not sure what the
quidditch challenges will be...and
OWLs...well, they are still out of my league, i think.